

  • On Kumidai Shusei (A Compilation of the Sets of Combined Themes of Waka) in the Collection of the National Museum of Japanese History: Part 1
  • コクリツ レキシ ミンゾク ハクブツカンゾウ クミダイ シュウセイ 1 ニ ツイテ ジョウ




This paper deals with a volume of a compilation of kadai(given theme of waka) and examines its contents to study the world of kadai collection in the Middle Ages. The existing research of the compilation of kadai has focused on its value as historic data. However, I would like to take a different point of view, to give a concrete account for the mutual relationship between the compilations. The subject here is a copy of Kumidai Shusei (A Compilation of the sets of Combined Themes of Waka) in the Takamatsunomiya Collection of the National Museum of Japanese History (copied in the early Edo period, referred to as vol.1 of 2 vol.1249[Mi-box 57]). The volume is an assembly of seven compilations all together, each of which is identified as a collection of kadai, concerned with the theme of waka. It is a valuable material including the two collections organized in the Muromachi period. Through the comparative analysis of each compilation with others concerning kadai, this paper clarifies the structure and notable points of each collection. Due to the limit of the given space, Part Ⅰ will examine approximately the first half of the volume and the latter will be dealt with in the upcoming Part Ⅱ.




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