George Silverman's Explanation:ディケンズの意匠


  • George Silverman's Explanation ディケンズ ノ イショウ
  • George Silverman's Explanation:Dickens's Design




"George Silveman's Explanation" is a short novel written by Charles Dickens in 1867. The story is autobiographical style, narrated by an old priest George Silveman who wrote down his unhappy life for his own solace. The setting is that he has been repeatedly misrepresented and criticized as "worldly" by others in spite of his constant efforts to be otherwise. Dickens's concern with this story is psychology; he seems to elaborate the process in which the narrator's guilt-ridden self has been formed with his repressed fear and distrust of the others. In this paper the narrator's early devastation is examined so that how the repudiation of young Silveman by the others including his mother has entered into his mind to form his wrong self image and unconscious self- defensive behaviors. A close examination of this process and of the author's treatment of the narrator-protagonist's subjectivity reveals Dickens's deep interest in the way self has been formed in close negotiation with the self and others but that befins with bodily perception. The narrator does not get any relief by writing his life story after all. Unable to be free from himself of his mind's manacles in isolation, he cannot analyze his story of his own self from the view-point of the other, unlike Pip in Gtrsy Expectations. Yet Dickens seems to be sympathetic toward the tragic narrator on the whole. The narrator, hesitating how to begin the story at the story's opening, eventually begins to write a confession, not an explanation or a bildungsroman. Unlike the purpose-bound writing such as explanation or the modern autobiographical moral self formation story, the less purposeful confession writing allows him to show his whole self that encompasses equivocal nature. Thus his innocent chice of writing will make his text meaningful for his reader with whom he will never intend to share.


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