

  • New Peach Cultivar with Lower Winter Chilling Requirement ‘Sakuhime’
  • テイオン ヨウキュウリョウ ノ スクナイ モモ シン ヒンシュ'サク ヒメ'



1.今後気候温暖化が進行した場合,冬季の低温不足により我が国でモモが栽培できない地域が増加する可能性がある.そこで農林水産省果樹試験場において,ブラジルで育成された低温要求量の少ない導入品種を用いて,果実品質が優れ,我が国の主要品種よりも低温要求量が少ない品種育成を目指した交雑を1994 年に開始した.その結果,低温要求時間が555CH と我が国の主要品種より少ない‘さくひめ’を育成した.2.‘さくひめ’は農研機構果樹研究所(茨城県つくば市)において,2003 年に低温要求量の少ない選抜実生である296-16 に332-16 を交雑して得られた実生から選抜した.2010 年より系統名「モモ筑波127 号」としてモモ第9 回系統適応性検定試験に供試し,全国24 ケ所の公立試験研究機関で試作栽培を行い,その特性を検討した.2018 年3 月9 日に登録番号26635 号として種苗法に基づき品種登録された.3. 樹勢は強く,花芽の着生は多い.花粉を有し自家和合性である.開花期は,育成地では3 月27 日頃で,低温要求量が少ないため主要品種よりも早い.生理落果は少ない.収穫期は育成地では6 月26 日頃で,‘日川白鳳’より5 日程度早い早生品種である.4.系統適応性検定試験の結果,果形は扁円から短楕円まで評価が分かれた.果実重は250 g 程度である.果皮の地色は緑白色で,赤い着色は中程度以上の評価が多いが場所や年次による変動があった.裂果および果皮の荒れが場所や年次によりやや認められる.果肉は乳白色である.肉質は溶質で,粗密は中程度である.核は粘核である.果汁の糖度は12.8%,酸度はpH4.6 前後で,渋味は少なく,食味は良好である.

‘Sakuhime’ is a new white-fleshed peach cultivar (Prunus persica (L). Batsch) which was released in 2018 by the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science in Japan. Selection was based on the criteria of agronomic performance, fruit quality and the reduced chilling requirement of seedlings obtained from a cross between 296-16 and 332-16. ‘Sakuhime’ was initially designated as Peach Tsukuba 127 and evaluated across 24 experimental stations in Japan during the 9th national trial of peaches (2010-2015). The final selected line was named ‘Sakuhime’ and registered as No.26635 under the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act of Japan on 9th March, 2018.‘Sakuhime’ trees grow vigorously and produce many self-compatible flowers. In our study, which was based in Tsukuba, flowering and fruit maturation occurred on approximately the 27th March and the 26th June respectively. The fruit was round to ovate in shape with an average weight of 253 g. The fruit skin ground color was greenish white with a high to medium degree of red blushing. It was sometimes observed to crack, the extent of which depended on location and year of fruit production. We suggest that this could be avoid by bagging developing fruit on the tree. The clingstone flesh was creamy-white colored with a melting texture. Its juice had a pH of 4.6 and a soluble solids content of 12.8%. ‘Sakuhime’ has a lower winter chilling requirement (555 chill hours; CH) than the current major peach cultivars grown commercially in Japan (1,000-1,200CH). This could be advantageous in the production of peaches in areas which have warmer winters and could be important on a wider scale as a response to changes associated with climate change.


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