

  • Food Consumption Patterns in Japan Compared with Other Nations Worldwide
  • セカイ カッコク ト ヒカク シタ ニホン ノ ショクリョウ ショウヒ パターン



We compared and analyzed the food consumption patterns of 155 nations worldwide, mainly through comparison with patterns in Japan using food consumption data on 20 food items as of 2000 provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The primary methods used for analysis include principal component analysis and cluster analysis. As a result, the following findings were obtained. 1. Principal component analysis revealed that the first principal component was affluence, the second one was decreased consumption of cereals, and the third one was a preference for livestock products. 2. Analysis of the scores of principal components demonstrated that patterns in Japan tended a little affluence and a slightly higher preference for grains. Those of Korea were characteristic, which remarkably tended to emphasize grains and preference for marine products. 3. Food consumption for the whole world converted into GNP amounted to $1,349 per person and was estimated to have improved by 2.0 times during the last 40 years. 4. The Seychelles had a food consumption pattern closest to that of Japan. 5. A Dendrogram prepared based on cluster analysis divided food consumption patterns worldwide into three groups: the Asian and Latin American group, the European and North American group, and the Original African group. Japan was classified into the Asian and Latin American group and more specifically into the Latin American subgroup. 6. A Dendrogram prepared by adding the data of Japan to the data of 36 European nations classified Japan into the Southeastern Europe subgroup.

国連食糧農業機関が提供している155ケ国, 20食品類消費量のデータを用いて, 世界各国の食料消費パターンを比較解析し, 以下の知見を得た. . 主成分分析すると, 第主成分は豊かさの因子, 第2主成分は穀物離れの因子, 第3主成分は畜産物志向の因子になった. 2. 主成分スコアをみると, 日本は少し豊かでわずかに穀物志向であった. 韓国は特徴的で, 穀物重視と海産物志向が顕著である. 3. 世界全体の食料消費パターンは, 現在の国民所得に換算すると, この40年で2.0倍のそれに改善されたと推定した. 4. 日本の食料消費パターンにいちばん近いのはセイシェルである. 5. 世界の食料消費パターンは, アジア中南米群, 欧米群および原アフリカ群の3つに大別された. 日本はアジア・中南米群に属したが, より詳しくは中南米小群に分類された. 6. ヨーロッパ36ケ国のデータに日本のデータを加えてデントログラムを作成すると, 日本は東欧南部亜群に分類された.


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