- タイトル別名
- タイワン ノ カイゴ オ ニナウ トウナン アジア カラ ノ デカセギ ロウドウシャ タチ
- Study on foreign home-care givers in Taiwan
The purpose of this article is to present detailed information about home-care givers from Southeast Asia in Taiwan based on the results of fieldwork. Since its economic growth in the 1980s, Taiwan has recruited foreign home-care givers as household assistants or nursing helpers for disabled senior citizens at a rapidly increasing rate. Many come from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. This paper comprises four parts. The first part discusses in detail characteristic patterns of the social background of Taiwan including the acceptance of foreign workers and features of the Employment Service Act of 1992, which is the fundamental law concerning the employment and management of foreigners. The second part is about the current state of foreign care workers. Ninety percent or more are employed, not in institutional settings, but in homes. The third part describes working conditions and the environment in which employers request foreigner home-care givers, based on the foreign workers' employment investigation that the Ministry of Labor conducted in 2013. The fourth part discusses problems foreigner home-care givers will face in relation to the Long-Term Care Insurance Law, which will be enforced beginning in 2017. Based on the above-mentioned consideration, the author predicts a decrease in the demand for foreigner home-care workers, transformation of homecare needs according to the nuclear family and change to small families, and an expansion of the acceptance of foreign care workers with mid-level skills.
- 総合文化研究所紀要
総合文化研究所紀要 32 54-70, 2015-07-16
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390009224756191360
- 40020556090
- 120005651680
- AN10052143
- 09100105
- 026651618
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles
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