小学校家庭科「家庭生活と家族」読み物教材の開発と実践 ─TVドラマ「マルモのおきて」から家族のつながりを考える─


  • ショウガッコウ カテイカ 「 カテイ セイカツ ト カゾク 」 ヨミモノ キョウザイ ノ カイハツ ト ジッセン : TV ドラマ 「 マルモ ノ オキテ 」 カラ カゾク ノ ツナガリ オ カンガエル
  • Development and Practice of Reading Materials for Teaching Designed for “Home Life and Family" Unit in Elementary School Home Economics: Thinking about Family Ties with a Television Series Marumo's Rule





In teaching “home life and family" unit in elementary school home economics, we have contrived ways based on the use of a simulated family or a main character's family of comics as a model, because it is difficult to use children's experiences as teaching materials due to multiple views of children on home life and family as well as necessity of consideration for their privacy in the classroom group. But between the reality and the traditional family models or images, a great gap has been created in today's increasingly diversified families. Taking into account the need of new teaching materials that could help children to think about what a family is and to have an own idea about family conception or family image, we created reading materials for teaching based on a television series Marumo's Rule. Several elementary school teachers conducted an experimental class by using these teaching materials as an introduction. Following the class, we examined empirically the reaction of children and the learning outcomes, assessed the effectiveness of the teaching materials and thought about more appropriate lesson development. The teaching materials we developed drew children's interest and attention very well, we saw them naturally think back about their own home life.


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