

  • チュウケン カンゴシ ガ カンゴ ジッセン オ ケイゾクテキ ニ カタルコト ニ ヨッテ ショウジタ ヘンカ
  • Changes in mid-level nurses because of continuous nursing practice-related discussions



本研究の目的は、中堅看護師に焦点を当て、自己の看護実践を継続的に語ることで、自己や日々の看護実践にどのような変化が生じるのかを明らかにすることである。中堅看護師3 名を対象に、介入として自己の看護実践についての語り(1 回/月の計3 回)を行い、介入直後および全介入2 週間後に半構成インタビューを実施した。これらのデータから、中堅看護師に生じた変化を抽出し、質的帰納的に分析した。その結果、中堅看護師は、初めて日々の看護実践について継続的に語り【語ることの効果】を実感していた。そして、この体験は、【ものごとの捉え方の変化】や【周囲への影響を考えた人との関わり方】という自己における変化をもたらしていた。この自己に生じた変化は、看護実践にも影響し、【「業務」から「患者存在を意識した看護実践」への変化】というように常に看護を意識するようになり、さらには、【共に取り組みたい職場環境の改善】という変化も生じさせていた。日々の看護実践を継続的に語ることは、中堅看護師にとって、失いかけていた自己を取り戻すだけではなく、新たな自分へと自己の立て直しにつながること、そして、自己に生じた変化は、スタッフや上司、組織のことまで考えて行動するという、中堅看護師としての役割を認識した看護実践をもたらすことが示唆された。

This study focused on mid-level nurses. We aimed to determine how continuouspractice-related discussions change nurses and their daily nursing practices. In addition, weexamined the significance of these discussions. The subjects of this study were three mid-levelnurses, and the intervention was nursing practice-related discussions (once per month, a total ofthree times). Semi-structured interviews were conducted immediately after the initial discussionand 2 weeks after all the discussions were completed. We obtained data on the changes thatoccurred in the mid-level nurses, which were then analyzed qualitatively and inductively. Theresults showed that these mid-level nurses continuously discussed their daily nursing practices forthe first time and felt the “effects of talking.” The discussions led to various personal changes, suchas changes in the nurses’ “perspectives on things” as well as “interpersonal relationships based ontheir influence on other people.” These personal changes in turn affected their nursing practices,and the nurses reported becoming conscious about nursing care at all times. This changed thenurses’ practices from “performing duties” to “being conscious about patient-centered nursingpractice.” These personal changes also led to work environment improvement. By having continuousdiscussions of their daily nursing practices, the mid-level nurses regained their professionalidentities, which they had started to lose, and established new identities. These personal changesappeared to influence their nursing practice as they recognized their roles as mid-level nurses andacted taking other staff, their bosses, and even their organization into consideration.

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