戦間期の商店における学校知 : 東京織物問屋同業組合における商店員の修養を中心に

  • 江口 潔
    九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院教育社会計画学講座 : 准教授


  • School Knowledge for Stores in the Interwar Period : Focusing on Cultivation(Shuyo) of Commercial Apprentices in the Tokyo Textile Wholesalers Association
  • セン カンキ ノ ショウテン ニ オケル ガッコウ チ : トウキョウ オリモノ ドンヤ ドウギョウ クミアイ ニ オケル ショウテンイン ノ シュウヨウ オ チュウシン ニ



The purpose of this paper is to examine the evaluation of school knowledge in stores. Large stores, in-cluding department stores, actively provided apprentices with educational opportunities, while small and medium-sized stores took a negative approach to even atend vocational supplementary school and youth training centers. First, I touch upon cultivation of commercial apprentices at the Tokyo Textile Wholesalers Trade Asso-ciation. The association has formed a youth group to encourage atendance at supplementary education, as well as to provide opportunities for physical education and lecture on moral education. These efforts focused on cultivation and civil education. Second, I would like to consider the evaluation of educational institutions in the association. One of the major issues in the association was to promote supplementary education. However, the association have become unable to play an enlightening role for working youth as the limitations of conditions for main-taining youth groups have become apparent. Third, I take up the report “Japan Occupational Classification” in the 1930s to examine the relationship between jobs and school knowledge. It was in the stores of large corporate organizations that they were able to link jobs and school knowledge. The evaluation of school knowledge in the stores vary according to the type of organization.




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