マクロファージとミクログリア : この似て非なる細胞

DOI HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス
  • 山﨑 亮


  • Macrophage and microglia : "alike in appearance, but quite different in nature"
  • マクロファージ ト ミクログリア : コノ ニテ ヒ ナル サイボウ



Macrophage and microglia are both derived from embryonic mesoderm. When they are activated, both of them turned into activated phenotype, and usually phagocytose bacteria or other pathogens, or release inflammatory cytokines or chemokines to destruct infecting microbiomes. Both of them are main player of innate immune response, but the functions in health and disease are totally different. For example, in the spinal cord lesions of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model mice, monocytes infiltrated into the lesion first, and activated to release cytokines chemokines, and to destruct CNS tissues. Later, resident microglia were activated into phagocytotic phenotype, and clear myelin debris. On the other hand, in the peripheral nerve lesion of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis model mice, macrophages clear abnormal mutant superoxide dismutase proteins while the activation of microglia occurs in the late stage of disease. In this mini-review, weʼll focus on the function of monocyte/macrophage and microglia in normal and disease stage of central and peripheral nervous system including our recent results.


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