身近な食品に含まれる常磁性種の観測 : 高大連携「化学実験」体験講座の教育的意義と成果


  • Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Detection of Paramagnetic Species in Familiar Foods : Cooperative Program between High School and University
  • ミジカ ナ ショクヒン ニ フクマレル ジョウ ジセイシュ ノ カンソク : コウダイ レンケイ 「 カガク ジッケン 」 タイケン コウザ ノ キョウイクテキ イギ ト セイカ



Electron spin resonance (ESR) detection of paramagnetic elements and molecules in foods has been conducted in the cooperative research work of high school students at Nara University of Education. The cooperative program between Tezukayama high school and Nara University of Education has been carried out since 2008. This program has two purposes. 1. To provide information about the university laboratory to the early years of high school students. 2. To learn basic operations in experiments. In order to fulfill the purposes, electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR) was used. For example, detection of paramagnetic species in foods. The results of the experiments will be reported.


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