A Typing the Theories of Teaching of History as the Social Studies in Secondary School

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  • 現代社会科歴史授業構成論の類型とその特徴
  • ゲンダイ シャカイカ レキシ ジュギョウ コウセイロン ノ ルイケイ ト ソノ トクチョウ

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The Purpose of this study is to type the theories of teaching of history as the Social Studies in Secondary School, which is today discussed in the Japan Social Studies Research Association. A common traditional strategy of teaching of history has a lot of problems, that is to force students to memorize many information about hisorical events and to infuse a particular concept of value into the student's mind. In this paper I analyze five strategies as the theories of teaching of history as the Social Studies, that is the teaching history as social sciences education, the history study based on theory criticism, the history study based on interpretation criticism, the approach to counter-socialization through teaching history and the teaching history as social construction.


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