オウル大学教員養成課程が 大学入試で求めるヒューマンスキル

DOI HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Human Skills Required for Entering Teacher Training Course of Oulu University
  • オウル ダイガク キョウイン ヨウセイ カテイ ガ ダイガク ニュウシ デ モトメル ヒューマンスキル



Finnish teachers have high educability and are respected in their society. Although their human skills must enable this situation, they have not been explored systematically yet. The refore I analyzed the interview test of the teacher training course’s entrance examination in Oulu University and defined the four human skills requiered to become an excellent teacher: 1. to understand everything practical and concretely, 2. to think and take actions by oneself, 3. to partaken social interactions and to create such occasions, and 4. to realize one’s social role and ethical responsibility and to devote oneself to the society. In the future, I will reconsider these human skills from a wider viewpoint and examine how these human skills work in the whole education system.



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