Study on the Psychological Changing Course of Parents with Schizophrenic Children

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  • 精神障害者の家族の心理的経過に関する研究 : 発病から入院後まで
  • セイシン ショウガイシャ ノ カゾク ノ シンリテキ ケイカ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ ハツビョウ カラ ニュウイン ゴ マデ

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本研究の目的は, 精神分裂病患者の家族の発病から入院後までの心理的経過を明らかにすることである.丁県内の精神科で加療中の精神分裂病患者の親21名を対象として, 面接法を実施し, 得られたデータを質的に分析した.その結果, 以下のことが明らかになった.1)発病時の心理的反応には【困惑】【いらだち】【漠然とした不安】など8個のカテゴリーが見いだされた.2)受診時の心理的反応には【ショック】【パニック】【悲しみ】など7個のカテゴリーが見いだされた.3)入院時の心理的反応には【安心】【負い目】【同情】の3個のカテゴリーが見いだされた.4)入院後の心理的反応には【自責の気持ち】【覚悟・開き直り】【依存】など7個のカテゴリーが見いだされた.5)各時期の家族の心理的状況をよく見極めた看護介入が重要であると考えられた.

The purpose of this study was to identify the Psychological changing course of parents with schizophrenic children from onset of their diseases to after hospitalization. Subjects of this study connsisted of twenty one parents with schizophrenic children who were in patients and / or out patients. The data was collected from them through semi-structured interviews and was analysed. From the results we could conclude as the follows : 1)The Psychological responses experienced by parents at the onsets of their children's disease were categorized into eight kinds of confusion, irritation, vague anxious feeling and so on. 2)The Psychological responses experienced by parents at the consulting a doctor were categorized into seven kinds of shock, panic, sorrow and so on. 3)The Psychological responses experienced by parents at the children's hospitalization were categorized into three kinds of relief, debt and sympathy. 4)The Psychological responses experienced by parents after their children's hospitalization were categorized into seven kinds of the feeling of self-reproach, preparedness dependency and so on. 5)And it was essential that appropriate nursing intervention based on good understanding of these parents psychological conditions was provided to them.


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