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  • Study on the infection-preventive characteristics of Japanese green tea

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We investigated the infection-preventive characteristics of Japanese green tea (middle grade) in reference to itscatechin (CAT) concentration. Colorimetric analysis showed that CAT was extracted most effectively at 80℃. When green tea extract (GTE) was prepared from the same green tea leaves (5g/80ml water) repeatedly six times at 80℃ for 1 min, almost the 2/3 of total CAT content was extracted during the first three extractions in which the second extraction gave the highest CAT concentration. Therefore, GTE prepared under this condition (5g/80ml water at 80℃ for 1 min) was referred to as standard GTE (SGTE) in this study. Bacteriological studies using Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichiac oli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed that the maximum inhibitory and bactericidal dilutions of the second SGET were ranged in 8-and4-fold dilutions, corresponding to 0.33mg/ml and 0.68mg/ml CAT concentrations, respectively, against either bacterial species and the differences between these two values were within 2-fold dilutions, indicating that SGTE shows the bactericidal activity. However, SGTE required as long as 4 to 5 h for bactericidal time in sharp contrast to iodine with that of as short as 1 min. When SGTE with CAT concentration ranging 1.2 mg/ml to 2.7mg/ml was incubated with influenza A/Aichi virus at 37℃ for at least 30min, SGTE also completely inhibited viral hemagglutination (HA) activity essential for the viral attachment to cell surface. The CAT-deficient SGTE, prepared by the treatment with FeCl_3, could not show both bactericidal and HA inhibitory activities, confirming that CAT in GTE is mainly responsible for these activities. In summary, GTE might be taken as a beneficial herbal medicine to promote the infection-safety conditions in the patients. However, on the application of GTE, its advantage/disadvantage and presence of sufficient CAT concentration should betightly recognized.


identifier:富山大学看護学会誌, 第7巻1号, 2007.9., page 23-31


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