Clinical Validation to Define Characteristics of self-care Deficits of Psychiatric Patients
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- 精神障害患者のセルフケア領域の問題に対する看護診断と診断指標に関する研究
- セイシン ショウガイ カンジャ ノ セルフケア リョウイキ ノ モンダイ ニ タイスル カンゴ シンダン ト シンダン シヒョウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ
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本研究では, Fehringのモデルを使って, 精神障害者の食事, 排泄, 洗面, 入浴のセルフケア領域の能力低下に対する診断指標の適否について検討した.この検討では, 全国の精神病院あるいは総合病院の精神科病棟で働いている看護者245名から集められた記述項目を用い, それらをFehringのDCV法によって検討し, それを更にCDV法によって検討する方法を用いた.その結果次の点が妥当なものとして確認された.1)食事では, 「食事をこぼしたり, 落ち着いて食べられない」「箸やコップの管理ができない」「後始末ができない」の3項目2)排泄では, 「自分でできるが後始末できない」「衣類を汚す」「失禁をする」「不潔行為をする, トイレを汚す」「便通に関心がない」の5項目3)洗面では, 「洗面しようとしない」「きちんと洗面できない, 洗い方が雑」「洗面したりしなかったりする」「一人で洗面できない」の4項目4)入浴では, 「自分で入るがよく身体を洗わない」「入浴後着替えない」「スムースに入浴できない」の3項目これらは, 抑うつ, 不安, 感覚・知覚, 認知領域の障害をもつ精神障害患者のセルフケア領域の診断指標を表すもので, NANDAそのものよりは, むしろ, TownsendやCarpenito, NANDAが1994年に承認したアメリカ看護協会精神保健グループの診断指標に近い.
We discussed clinical characteristics of self-care deficits in psychiatric patients by using the Fehring Model. The data were gathered from 245 experienced nurses working in psychiatric hospitals and/or psychiatric units in general hospitals all over Japan. These data were analysed by 100 selected expert nurses using the Fehring's Diagnostic Content Validity Model to determine which of the listed descriptors were deemed to be major or minor to define characteristics. The Fehring's Diagnostic Validity Model were also used to examine if the identified descriptors were truly diagnostic of self-care deficits in psychiatric patients. The findings were as follows : 1) Fifteen descriptors were confirmed as truly diagnostic of self-care deficits in psychiatric patients. Three descriptors in self-feeding were spilling food or inability of eating quiety, inability of maintaining utensils like chopstics and cups correctly and inability of clearing the dining table after eating. Five descriptors in self-toileting were inability of flushing water, inability of keeping clothes clean, incontinence, staining the lavatory with faces and indifference of stool it-self. Four hygiene descriptors in washing of face and hands were unwillingness, incompetence, irregularity, and inability of performance. Three descriptors in self-bathing were unwillingness of washing body sufficiently and changing clothes after bathing, and inability of taking bath voluntarily. 2) These diagnostic characteristics indicated self-care dificits related to feeding, toileting, hygiene and bathing, and were similar to those of Townsend, Carpenito or the ANA Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Group that NANDA accepted at 1994.
- 富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌
富山医科薬科大学看護学会誌 1 1-7, 1998-03
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- 1390009224805866496
- NII Article ID
- 110001031739
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- AA11340152
- 13441434
- 5678826
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- ja
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