重度神経症群の境界反応浮上力動 : 自己愛空想による鑑別査定仮説


  • Dynamics of Rising Borderline Reactions for Severely Neurotic Patients : Hypothesis of Differential Assessment with Narcissistic Fantasies
  • ジュウド シンケイショウグン ノ キョウカイ ハンノウ フジョウ リキドウ : ジコアイ クウソウ ニ ヨル カンベツ サテイ カセツ




In line with the structural, developmental and dynamic theory of psychoanalysis, the author studied and theorized about two cases of severe neurotic patients, the number of which has been increasing recently. One patient showed aggressive tendencies, while the other one was withdrawn. These patients cannot fully interact with reality and are not receiving proper treatment because of the present system of diagnosis and assessment. The author, initially using the theory of narcissistic fantasy, constructed hypotheses which maintain that their personality structures are due to the failure to establish psychological space through the early-latency phase, not due to a failure to establish triadic structures through the Oedipal phase. Moreover, the dynamics for a differential assessment of severe neurosis is hypothesized in comparison with the dynamics of psychotic personality organization, borderline personality organization, and higher neurotic personality organization.


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