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  • キョウコツ セイチュウ セッカイ ジュツゴ シンゾウ リハビリテーション ニ オケル キョウコツ ヘイサ ホウホウ ト キョウコツ バンド シヨウ ニ ツイテ ノ ケントウ
  • Examination on Sternum Closure Method and Sternum Band Use in Cardiac Rehabilitation after Midline Sternotomy

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type:TOHO University Scholarly Publication


目的:心臓外科術後胸骨バンドの使用について意見は様々であり,心臓リハビリテーション(心リハ)時の使用方法も一貫した報告はない.今回胸骨閉鎖方法と胸骨バンドの使用について検討した.方法:当院で施行した心大血管手術患者40名を対象にした.胸骨閉鎖はワイヤー閉鎖と胸骨ピン(ピン群)またはメッシュ型プレート(プレート群)を使用した.術後心リハ時に胸骨バンドの有無で呼吸や痛み,安心感や使用面で5項目5段階評価による質問票で評価した.結果:術後創部や肺合併症は全例で認めなかった.ピン群31例,プレート群9例で,胸骨バンドで呼吸のしやすさは2.73点,痛み2.65点,安心感2.23点であった.胸骨バンド希望は2.83点,面倒と感じたのは2.55点であった.心リハで胸骨バンドはなくても対応可能であった.考察:胸骨ピンやメッシュ型プレートにより胸骨固定が安定し,心リハは胸骨バンドを使用せず進めることができると考えられた.Objectives: There are various opinions on the use of sternal bands after cardiac surgery, but there is no consistent finding on its use during cardiac rehabilitation. We examined the method of sternal closure and the use of sternal bands. Methods: From January 2016, 40 patients with cardiovascular surgery performed at our hospital were included. Sternal closure was performed using wire closure and sternal pin or mesh plate. Five items regarding breathing, pain, feeling of security, and sternal band use (whether or not sternal band is used during postoperative cardiac rehabilitation) were evaluated. Results: No postoperative wound site or pulmonary complication was observed in any patient. Pin use was reported in 31 patients and mesh plate use in 9. The ease of breathing when using sternal band was 2.73 points, pain was 2.65 points, feeling of security was 2.23 points, sternal band use was 2.83 points, and feeling troublesome was 2.55 points. It was possible to cope well even without sternal band use in cardiac rehabilitation. Conclusion: It was thought that sternal fixation was stable with pin or mesh plate use and that cardiac rehabilitation cannot be performed without using sternal bands.


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