The Present Status of the Organic Agricultural Movement Viewed from the Group Purchase : A Case Study of a Consumer Group, Anzen-na-Tabemono-wo-Tsukutte-Taberu-Kai

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In the early 1970s, the organic agricultural movement in Japan was started mainly by consumers to acquire food security. The movement took a unique form, Teikei (an alternative distribution system of farm-fresh vegetables that was based on mutual farmer-consumer understanding). In cities having a large number of consumers, Teikei involved group purchases. There was a decline in the number of full-time housewives as a result of women’s social advancement; at the same time, the number of members of the group purchase system was decreasing. In the latter half of the 1980s, distribution centers began offering home delivery to buyers of organic farm products. More consumers began availing of these services, and fewer consumers made group purchases. In the capital sphere, however, many people are still opting for group purchases. This paper focuses on a consumer group, Anzen-na-Tabemono-wo-Tsukkute-Taberu-Kai, which have been practiced Teikei with agricultural farmers in the former Miyoshi Village, Chiba Prefecture (currently a part of Minami-Boso city) since 1973. Building relationships with farmers and related members, this group made efforts to maintain group purchase. Through interviews and analysis of the records of these group members, it becomes clear that their efforts supported the social movement and nurtured a feeling of security to organic agricultural products. Their efforts, however, were transformed to qualification of eating them, and this made it difficult for them to attract new members. On the other hand, home delivery members, began to recruit as a new membership in 2000, tend to increase every year. And there is a difference in the attitude to the Teikei between home delivery members and group purchase members. At present, ever increasing number of home delivery members, the movement that try to create the situation to be easily took part in, and to put the new meaning to, the group purchase from the inside of the movement can be seen.


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