日本の対外直接投資について : 国際比較の観点から


  • Japan's Direct Investment Abroad : From the Viewpoint of International Comparison
  • ニホン ノ タイガイ チョクセツ トウシ ニ ツイテ : コクサイ ヒカク ノ カンテン カラ



More than two decades have passed since Japanese companies began to commit overseas investment in earnest. The author has tracked the destinations to which Japanese companies have expanded and has carried out fieldwork at those locations. The theme of the fieldwork research is the possibilities for international transfer of the Japanese-style production system. Recently, when the survey of Japanese companies in Africa reached the end of a stage, the author decided to confirm the business performance of the companies not by surveying Japanese companies alone, but through an international comparison. IMF, Balance of P ayments Statistics Yearbook was used since it shows direct investment abroad and income by country. Some facets were consistent with the author’s forecasts, while others were not. The facet that was consistent with the author’s forecast was that the rate of income to Japanese direct investment abroad was rising steadily. What was surprising, on the other hand, was that Japanese direct investment abroad was considerably smaller than that of other developed countries.


  • 経済志林

    経済志林 80 (4), 37-76, 2013-03-15


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