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  • The View of Scholar-Officials 士人 of the New Five Dynasties History 五代史記
  • ゴダイシキ ノ シジンカン
  • 「五代史記」の士人観



This paper examines the view on scholar-officials seen in the New Five Dynasties History, compiled by Ou-yang Hsiu 歐陽脩 (1007-1072). The "Biographies of Those Died for Principles" 死節傳 and "Biographies of Those Died Loyal" 死事傳 are the two main places in the book where its view on scholar-officials is expressed. One can see from this that the attitude towards death was the chief concern for the author in considering scholar-officials. Nevertheless, since the conduct while alive very much determines also the attitude towards death, the question really centers on the way of life. And as a way of befitting scholar-officials, righteousness 義 was being pointed out. This was a concept evolved around the same time as loyalty 忠and filial piety 孝, and embodied the belief that one's code of conduct should be based upon independence. When considering this in relation with the book's view on the ruler, it becomes clear that the author was seeking in such direction the proper way of life for scholar officials under the Sung absolute monarchy. We may also infer that it was the way Ou-yang Hsiu himself sought.


  • 東洋史研究

    東洋史研究 38 (2), 197-218, 1979-09-30



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