

  • Treatment of Common Cold and Influenza by Administration of Large Doses of Ascorbic Acid
  • ビタミンCタイリョウトウヨノカゼショウコウグンニタイスルチリョウコウカニツイテ
  • ビタミンC大量投与のかぜ症群群に対する治療効果について
  • ビタミン C タイリョウ トウヨ ノ カゼショウグングン ニ タイスル チリョ
  • ビタミンCの大量投与のかぜ症候群に対する治療効果について
  • ビタミン C ノ タイリョウ トウヨ ノ カゼ ショウコウグン ニ タイスル



Effects of ascorbic acid on common cold and influenza were studied in 352 young students from 1978 to 1980. Ascorbic acid was administered by the following manner ; 6g per day (1g every hour) on 1st day, 4g per day (1 g at each meal and before sleep) on 2nd to 4th day, 2g per day (1g in the morning and the evening) on 5th to 7th day, Ascorbic acid values in plasma were measured in the part of subjects during and after cold, and in the healthy students. A question, whether the ascorbic acid was effective or not, was asked to the subjects after the treatment. The answers of "effective", "fairly effective" and "not effective" were 59.6%, 31.6% and 8.8%, respectively in 1978 to 1979, 47.1%, 42.6%, and 10.3% in 1979 to 1980. Plasma level of ascorbic acid was lower in the subjects during the cold than in the healthy students who did not have a cold for 4 years. The seven of subjects showed the lower level of ascorbic acid during cold than after recovery. These results are suggestive of effectiveness of ascorbic acid on common cold.


  • 健康科学

    健康科学 5 59-64, 1983-03-20


被引用文献 (1)*注記


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