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  • On the development of the eggs and hatched larvae of a Trachinoid fish, Neopercis sexfasciata (Temminck et Schlegel)
  • クラカケギス ノ タマゴ ハッセイ ト シギョキ



Neopercis sex fasciata (Temminck et Schlegel) is a Trachinoid fish, inhibiting sandy bottom of the coasts of southern Japan. It attains some 200 mm in total length when full grown. The spawning season seems to extend from early March to early June in Kyushu (Table 1). The author operated artificial insemination of this fish on March 9, 1954, on the coast of Miyazaki Prefecture, and observed the egg development and hatched larvae (Plate 16, figs. 1-11). The egg is bouyant, colorless and spherical in shape, measuring 0.77-0.93 mm in diameter, with a single colorless oil-globule measuring 0.16-0.23 mm in diameter (Table 1). The hatching took place about 3 days after insemination (70-75 hr.) at the water temperature 12-17℃. The larva just hatched is 2.15-2.30 mm in total length with the oil-globule situated in the posterior part of the yolk, partly protruding from the yolk surface. The myotome number is 9+25=34 (vertebral number of this fish is 10+22=32) (Fig. 8). In four days after hatching the yolk was entirely consumed (Fig. 11). The anus is situated far forward, under 5th myotome, suggesting the backward shifting of anus during larval development.

クラカケギス Neopercis sexfasciata (Temminck et Schlege1) はワニギス亜目 Trachinina のトラギス科 Parapercidae に属する魚で, 本州中部以南に広く分布する. 全長200mmに達し, 極めて浅い所から深さ100m位までの砂泥質の海底に棲息する. トラギス科の魚の生活史に関してはこれまで殆ど知られていないようである. 筆者は1954年(昭和29年)3月に, 宮埼県沖に於いて本種の人工授精を行い, 卵内発生と孵化仔魚とを観察する機会を得た. また, 1952年及び1953年(昭和27,28年)に, 熊本県天草郡富岡町及び宮崎県延岡市近辺の海から本種の天然浮游卵と思われるものを得ているので併せて報告する.


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