詩的言語としての知覺動詞 : 陶淵明と謝靈運の詩から

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  • Verbs of perception in poems --From the analysis of poems of Tao Yuan ming and Xie Ling yun --
  • シテキ ゲンゴ ト シテ ノ チカク ドウシ トウ エンメイ ト シャ レイウン ノ シ カラ
  • 詩的言語としての知覚動詞 : 陶淵明と謝霊運の詩から



When we use verbs of perception, we have to think about the delicate nuances between verbs which have similar meanings, for example between "shi 視" and "jian 見", between "ting 聽" and "wen 聞", and so on. "shi 視" and "ting 聽" are usually used to express the action of perception with intention, to the contrary "jian 見" and "wen 聞" are used to express the state of perception without intention. Therefore, I call the former verbs "verbs of active perception" and the latter "verbs of passive perception". In this paper I will show how Tao Yuan ming and Xie Ling yun composed their poems by distinguishing meanings between these verbs and how important these distinctions are in creating their poetic world. In those poems that the verbs of active perception are used we can observe that the poets perceived the object whose existence stood opposite to their existence. So they could express their inside knowledge that they did not exist in the identical space with the object. On the other hand, concerning the verbs of passive perception, we can feel that the poets existed in the identical space with what they perceived. So they could express the harmonious world which included not only themselves and the object but also everything around themselves. These results show that both poets used different kind of verbs of perception effectively. Therefore, they could express the relation between themselves and objects in their poems.


  • 中國文學報

    中國文學報 60 1-36, 2000-04



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