淸末湖南省長沙における民立學堂設立と新敎育界の形成について : 胡元倓と明德學堂を中心に

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  • On the Formation of the New Educational Sphere and the Establishment of Public Schools in Changsha 長沙 in Hunan 湖南 during the Late Qing
  • 清末湖南省長沙における民立學堂設立と新教育界の形成について--胡元〔タン〕と明徳學堂を中心に
  • シンマツ コナンショウチョウサ ニ オケル ミンリツガクドウ セツリツ ト シン キョウイクカイ ノ ケイセイ ニ ツイテ コゲン タン ト メイトクガクドウ オ チュウシン ニ
  • 清末湖南省長沙における民立学堂設立と新教育界の形成について : 胡元倓と明徳学堂を中心に



This article is concerned first with Changsha in Hunan during the period from the establishment of schools 學堂 and the reform of the academies 書院 on the second day of the eighth month of the twenty-seventh year of the Guangxu-era (1901) until the eve of the Xinhai revolution, and takes up the public schools 民立學堂 established in Changsha, and particularly Mingde School 明德學堂, which was the first public school established in Hunan, and also focuses on its founder Hu Yuantan 胡元倓 in order to examine changes in the establishment and operation of public schools in Changsha, as well the figures from the gentry who actively participated in educational reform, and the establishment of the new educational sphere centered on the operators of the public schools. Hu Yuantan, who became (had been selected for his scholarship) Dingyouke bagong 丁酉科拔貢 during the Wuxu period of reform, opened the Mingde School, the first public school in Hunan, in the third month of twenty-ninth year of the Guangxu-era (1903). Hu with the support of Tan Yankai 譚延闓 and the provincial governors Zhao Erxun 趙爾巽 and Duanfang 端方 strove to promote educational reform in Hunan, always attempting to expand the school[s], thereafter this became the model for operation of other public schools. The results of educational activities of Hu Yuantan and the teaching staff of the Mingde School were not limited to the students of the Mingde School, but influenced school throughout Changsha as a result of the interaction of the educational staff. A close relationship between the educational staffs and the founders of each school were built up in public schools established in Changsha. They were the leaders of educational matters in Changsha who established the new educational realm in the bastion of the schools that led the new learning. As regards the Hu Yuantan's adoption of superior Western techniques and learning in fostering the new Changsha gentry, since this conformed with Qing government intentions, he was able to work in tandem with the governors of Hunan in promoting educational reform. However, it cannot necessarily be said that this strengthened the rule of the Qing government. When Tan Yankai, who supported education of the public schools in Changsha, resisted the Qing government by representing the opinion of the gentry of Changsha, the educational realm centered around Hu Yuantan and the educational staffs of the public schools became the base of support for the gentry of Changsha around Tan Yankai who were known politically as the constitutionalists. Furthermore, the educational sphere, with the exception of those gentry who devoted themselves to educational activities and did not involve themselves in politics as had Hu Yuantan, produced gentry who participated directly in political affairs. This was the form of the new educational realm created by the educational reform in Changsha in Hunan during the late Qing.


  • 東洋史研究

    東洋史研究 62 (2), 177-207, 2003-09-30



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