An Experimental Research on the Brushing up of School Leader's system thinking : The Function and the Role of practical knowledge−based teachers in Graduate School of Education

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  • スクールリーダーのシステム思考育成に関する実証的研究 : 教職大学院における実務家教員の役割と機能
  • スクールリーダー ノ システム シコウ イクセイ ニ カンスル ジッショウテキ ケンキュウ : キョウショク ダイガクイン ニ オケル ジツムカ キョウイン ノ ヤクワリ ト キノウ

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The role of a school leader who plays a central role in the school educational reform is discussed in this article, from the aspect of necessity of System thinking. "Continuity" is the root problem when we look directly on the real condition (genba in Japanese) of school operation. There are two problems. The First problem is that educational activities are not responding in an organized way. The second problem is the understanding by the school stuff about the purpose of the school and recognition level of school functions as the system. This article has proposed a need for systems thinking as a method to resolve the problems faced by the schools by understanding above−mentioned issues. The "Learning organization" will need an actual experience of five disciplines and can obtain qualifications and abilities of school leadership by building the same experiences : this is a hypothesis of this experimental practice. So, the subject was set to "Build a school". It has been observed by looking at the general views being described in graduate student's reports, that the descriptions concerning with five disciplines has been seen by all the members, and also there are lots of descriptions. This is because the thinking of graduate students about the school system is changed. As for the graduate students, "Building a school" is a grand challenge and experience that a teacher is difficult to have in ordinary teaching life. Yet, what they have learnt was the realization that various school systems should be checked again with the criteria that if it is for the children. It is thought that such conceptual transformation became possible by experience of the "Learning organization".


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