

  • Topics of the Twelfth Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Issues Raised through Discussions
  • ムケイ ブンカ イサン ノ ホゴ ニ カンスル ダイ12カイ セイフ カン イインカイ ノ ガイヨウ ト カダイ



The Twelfth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage was held from 4 to 9 December, 2017 in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea.During the session, 33 elements of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) were inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (Representative List). In addition, the Committee decided to transfer a Vietnamese musical tradition named “Xoan Singing of Phú Thọ Province, Viet Nam” from the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding (Urgent Safeguarding List) to the Representative List.The Evaluation Body allowed the submitting States Parties to provide additional information at the plenary in case the missing information is related to inventories (criterion R.5/U.5), because a revised format for R.5/U.5 of the nomination forms will be used from 2018 cycle. But, in fact, information not about inventories was also provided. As for the Representative List, while the Evaluation Body recommended 12 files to be referred back to the States Parties asking for more precise information at the following cycle, among these 10 were inscribed on the list. Some Committee Members expressed concern on the decision making process without paying respect to the professionalism of the Evaluation Body. Regarding the transfer of an element from one list to the other, this time the transfer was welcomed by the submitting State Party. But, an element may also be removed from the Representative List and inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, if the protection measures of the element become insufficient to continue its practice. The Evaluation Body as well as the Committee were concerned that the inscription of an element on the Urgent Safeguarding List is perceived as punishment or shame by some States Parties concerned, like the List of World Heritage in Danger, unless some incentives such as international assistance are offered upon inscription.It was expected that concrete and fruitful discussion would be made at the Committee on the subjects of protection of ICH. However, many of the Committee Members seemed to make greatest efforts to inscribe the elements on the Representative List or the Urgent Safeguarding List by all means. The Committee Members also made long debates on minute issues like the number of staff to be added to the Secretariat, whether it should be "2" or "3". It was particularly a problem that the expertise of comments was not necessarily high for some Committee Members which made a large number of remarks.In these circumstances, if Japan is able to play the role of a Committee Member, the author hopes it to lead the discussion at the Committee through highly professionalized comments. The author would also like to point out the importance of disseminating information on the achievements on the protection and study of ICH on the web in UNESCO's official languages, English and French. Budgetary issue is always an obstacle for multilingualization, but it is necessary to enhance information dissemination including enrichment of contents through cooperation between public and private sectors, and research agencies, to contribute better implementation of the 2003 Convention.


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