唐、張九齢の墳墓とその墓誌銘 : 広東省詔関市近郊の唐代壁画墓

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  • Chang-Chiu-Ling's (張九齢) Tomb in the Time of Tang (唐) and its Epitaph. : Mural Painting Tomb at the suburbs of Shao-Kuan City (韶関市) in Kuang-Tung Province(広東省)
  • 唐,張九齢の墳墓とその墓誌銘--広東省韶関市近郊の唐代壁画墓
  • トウ , チョウキュウレイ ノ フンボ ト ソノ ボシメイ カントンショウショウセキシ キンコウ ノ トウダイ ヘキガ ボ



In the winter of 1958, it was Chang-chiu-ling's tomb that was discovered at the north-west of Shao-kuan city (Kuang-tung provin ce). He was a prime minister in the reign of Yiian-tsung (玄宗) of Tang. This tomb was made of brick and consisted of a main chamber, a corridor and two small rooms. The main chamber is square (its length is 4, 8 metter) and its top is vaulted. There is a coffinstand in the center of it and is an epitaph in the front. The wall from the main the chamber to the corridor was covered of mortar (I centi-meter thick). The mural was painted in Chinese ink on this wall and red or green in places. Although most of painting was off, but still there were the portrait of maids and the picture of blue-dragons. The excavated remains were green-glazed potteries, a ceramic ink-slab and fragments of mirror of coinling dragon. In recent years, mural painting tombs of the blood royal and nobles in the time of Tang have been excavated in Hsi-an (西安), the capital of Tang, and in the suburbs of Tai-ylian (太原), another capital of Tang. For example, in the suburbs of Hsi-an, Li-shuang's (李爽) tomb (buried in 668), Wei-tung's (韋洞) (in 708) and that of a relative of Kao-li-shih (高力士) are important. At Ti-chang-wan (低張湾) in Hsien-yang (咸陽), Hsieh-shih's (薜氏) tomb was found --She was the princess of Wan-chiian district (万泉県) --. Recently in Chien district (乾県), the mural painting tomb of Yangtai- kung-chu (princess) (永泰公主) was excavated. When one comes to think of these epitaphes, these are almost tombs of princes, princesses or nobles. It seems that this manner of burial difused in them. Chang-chiu-ling had come from Shao-kuan m Kuang-tung province, and became Chin-hish (進士) in 706-707, and began the life as a bureaucrat in Chang-an(長安). In the reign of Ylian-tsung, he was appointed as the prime minister--Chung-chu-ling (中書令) --. In 736, he was made to resign from the post by Li-lin-fu (李林甫). In the following year, he became Chang-shih (長史) in Ching-chou (荊州), and he was dead at Shao-kuan in 740. The form and mural painting of his tomb is same as that in the suburbs of Hsi-an. Probably it means that it was suitable to the post during his lifetime.


  • 史淵

    史淵 89 45-83, 1962-12-01



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