Numerology in Michael Drayton

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  • Michael Draytonの数秘術
  • Michael Drayton ノ スウヒジュツ

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My aim in this paper is to consider the numerology in Michael Drayton's sonnets equence, Idea. In sixtie three sonnets(1619). Fowler(1970) points out his use of numerology in "To the New Yeere", The Shepeards Garland and The Barons Warres, and gives a brief reference to the numerological structure of Idea. However, neither Roche(1989), a comprehensive study of numerological structures in the sonnet sequences, nor Røstvig (1994), a detailed analysis of numerical composition in medieval, Renaissance, and baroque literature, does not even mention this question. The first section deals with the complex and intricate symbolism of the circular number 9—the basic structural number of this sequence consisting of 63 sonnets. The second section attempts to analyze the numerology of the symbolic circle of Idea, Drayton's sonnet lady, created by three sonnets (sonnets 32, 39 and 53). The third section discusses the meaning of the symbolic number 8 found in the sonnet total of Idea as a whole, including the prefatory sonnet "To the Reader of these Sonnets" (i.e.1+63=64). The final section treats his use of other symbolic numbers in sonnets 15, 33, 35, 39, 40, 50, 60.


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