The sampling of visitors in the event site

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  • イベント会場への来訪者の標本抽出法
  • イベント カイジョウ エ ノ ライホウシャ ノ ヒョウホン チュウシュツホウ

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When we do the social survey to visitors in the event site, we tend to ask randomly for whoever come "by chance". We do so, because the populations of visitors are fluid and difficult to figure out the sampling frame. In this paper I propose the significant purposive sampling of visitors in the event site as the method with two stages: in the frrst stage, we count the visitors in the event site at four time zones (in the morning, the noon, the afternoon, and the evening) and infer the populations (compositions of sex and age) of visitors. In the second stage, we adopt the quota sampling for the social survey, based on the inference.


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