Numerology in John Donne

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  • John Donneの数秘術
  • John Donne ノ スウ ヒジュツ

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In this paper I consider the numerology in John Donne's Songs and Sonnets. Frequent mention has been made of his use of numerology. Fowler (1970) pointed out his use of numerology of the center in "The Exstasie", and Frost (1990) revealed the numerological structure of the D切otionsupon Emergent Occasions. However, the comprehensive study of the number symbolism in the Songs and Sonnets has never been made. The first section deals with the complex and intricate symbolism of the number 5 in "The Primrose" and "The Exstasie". The second section attempts to analyze the numerology of the traditional symbol of the triple circle in "The Sunne Rising" and "A Valediction: of Weeping''. The third section discusses other symbolic circles in "The Undertaking", The Canonization", The Relique", and "The Good-morrow." The final section treats his use of temporal numerology in "The Computation", The Anniversarie", "Loves Usury", and "A Lecture upon the Shadow".


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