On the Zhaoming Pusa Jing 照明菩薩經 and theMiaohao Baoche Jing 妙好寶車經

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  • 『照明菩薩経』と『妙好宝車経』について

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This paper discusses the relation between the Zhaoming pusa jing (hereafter, Zpj) and theMiaohao baoche jing (hereafter, Mbj).As I have shown in a recent contribution (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies,53(2):219-21), the Zpj was clearly influenced by the Ba shi jing (hereafter, Bsj) 八師經, a text translated by Zhi Qian 支謙 in the 3rd century C.E.Verses 偈頌from the Bsj can also be found in the Mbj. The Zpj has survived in only one version, i.e., a Dunhuang manuscript originally belonging to Li Shenduo’s 李盛鐸collection. The whereabouts of the manuscript are uncertain, but photocopies of the text were published in A Collection of Xiyu Unearthed Artifacts by Dr. Toru Haneda 羽田亨博士收集西域出土文獻寫真kept in the Haneda Museum羽田記念館. On its basis,I published a diplomatic edition in the previous issue of the Sengokuyama Journal of Buddhist Studies (Vo1.1,2004) . The Mbj has five extant versions: (1) manuscript kept in the Calligraphy Museum 書道博物館 in Tokyo (originally belonging to Nakamura Fusetsu 中村不折);(2) manuscript in the collection of Deguchi Jōjun 出口常順 (former abbot of Shitennō Temple四天王寺 in Osaka);(3) Dunhuang manuscript in Pelliot Collection (P2758v );(4) Dunhuang manuscript in the St Petersburg Collection (No.00666);(5) and the Taishō Canon edition (Vol.85). The Mbj is also known under the following titles: Baoche jing寶車經,Baoche pusa jing寶車菩薩經,Fo shuo miaohao baoche jing佛説妙好寶車經,and the Miaohao baoche pusa jing妙好寶車菩薩經. According to ‘the miscellaneous catalogue[section]containing newly collected apocryphal scriptures and suspicious texts’ 新集疑經偽撰雑録in Sengyou’s 僧祐Chu sanzang jiji 出三藏記集(T55.39a27-29), the Mbj was compiled during the Northern Dynsaties by Tanbian 曇辯of Huai Province淮州and revised by the monk Daosi 道侍.Until its discovery at Dunhuang, this text had been considered lost.The colophon of the Dunhuang manuscript is dated year 16 of the Daye 大業Era (617C.E.) of the Sui 隋 Dynasty. In the Taishō edition,the Mbj has one scroll 一卷 and contains about 2,800 Chinese characters.The text follows the traditional structure of a sutra consisting of three parts,i.e.,preface 序分,main part 正宗分,and concluding part containing the urge to spread the teachings of the scripture 流通分.The main ‘characters’ of the text are Bodhisattva Baoche 寶車菩薩,the Buddha 佛,monks比丘,and the brahmans婆羅門. Here are the main teachings of the Mbj:the Buhhda’s Path is supreme;the duration of Tathāgata’s life is beyond comprehension不可思議;if one has faith in this scripture, one will gain various worldly benefits 現世利益;if one takes the three refuges三歸依, observes the five precepts五戒 and the ten goods十善,undertakers the eight abstinences on fast-days八齋and repents懺悔whole-heartedly for one’s sins, understands the law of cause and effect 因果,takes the carts of the Three Vehicles三乘 and leaves ‘the burning house 火宅 of the three realms 三界’,one will not fall in Hell (which is identified as Mt Tai in the East 東泰山).Moreover, if one makes use of Wisdom 般若and skilful means 方便 to liberate the mind of all sentient beings enmeshed in greed and ignorance and generates the thought of Awakening菩提心,then one will drive in the great ox-cart of the One Vehicle 一乘大牛車and will reach the true realm of Nirvana. The Zpj and the Mbj were clearly influenced by the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra 妙法蓮華車經.In both texts, we see fragments which are either similar or identical with the text of the Lotus Sutra.As already mentioned, both the Zpj and the Mbj also contain verses from the Bsj,though the way in which they include and word them are different.The analysis of the versification reveals that the Zpj has better rhythm and rhyme patterns韻律than the Mbj.The Zpj may have also been influenced by the *Mahāvaipulyamahāsaṁnipāta-sūtra大方等大集經(Vol.60) translated by Narendrayaśas 那連提耶舎in the latter half of the 6th century. Of the two texts discussed in this paper,the Mbj seems to be the earlier.The Mbj is clearly an apocryphal text which absorbed from the Bsj,the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-Sūtra and the Dharmapada法句經 those elements which best suit


  • 仙石山論集

    仙石山論集 (2), 61-97, 2005-09-30


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