Demonstrative Performance by First-generation Koreans in Japan

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  • 在日コリアン一世の指示詞の運用
  • ザイニチ コリアン 1セイ ノ シジシ ノ ウンヨウ

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The purpose of this study is to describe the performance of Japanese by first-generation Koreans in Japan (heretofore, firstgeneration). Peculiar use is seen in the Japanese of the first-generation, that is lexical item, usage, etc. With their long and complicated historical / social background experience, they acquired Japanese naturally without receiving explicit education, and a peculiar use of Japanese was established as a means for leading daily life. This paper aims at clarifying the use of the demonstrative by the first-generation. The informants are three first-generations, Y, P, and B. The following became clear as a result of analyzing their use of demonstratives. First, the use, which can be called fixed form expression, was checked. More-over, there is a possibility of a relationship between mental distance and an a-system demonstrative. Last, the boundary in the use domain of a so-system demonstrative and an a-system demonstrative is not clear. At the present stage, the possibility of being influenced by Korean, which is the mother tongue, is also being considered.


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