The Structure of Images of Career and Life Plans in University Students: Cognition of Their Roles and Gender Identity

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  • 大学生の就業とライフプランのイメージの構造:役割の認知とジェンダー・アイデンティティ



背景:就業継続の生涯発達と経済的な価値を学ぶ女子大学生も、近未来のライフプランから出産育児と家族介護に従事する前提を切り離すことを難しいと感じている。本研究では、女子大学生の就業とライフプランに関するイメージ構造を検討する。 方法:東京都下の通学課程の女子大学生、計772名(平均年齢19.95歳, SD 1.058)を対象に調査を行った。 結果:探索的因子分析では 1)恋愛観とライフプラン、 2)親から受けるジェンダーの枠組み、 3)家族内力動、 4) 家庭外の仕事、 5) 家庭内の仕事、 6)家族の世話・介護、7) 子育て後のリワーク、 8) 出産・結婚退職という変数が抽出された。共分散構造分析により許容できる適合性を示すモデルが抽出された(CFI= .946, Pr. < .000, RMSEA =.055)。 結論:統計的に許容できる適合度をもつ因果的パスは、家族内ダイナミクスの中でのジェンダー構造を起点とし、認知的な家族内役割のうち「家族の世話・介護」を経由し「結婚・子育てに伴う退職」に帰着するモデルを示した。青年期の女子のキャリア教育においては、自身のキャリア・ステレオタイプに対する気づきを与え進路選択に向き合うための自己効力感を醸成するプログラムが必要である。

Background: Female university students generally tend to be so obedient to conventional frameworks of career and life plans, even after they have learned about many different career cases. The purpose of this study was to examine the structure of images of career and life plans formed by female university students. Methods: Female adolescents (N = 772), in Years 1 to 4 at universities in suburban Tokyo, Japan with an average age of 19.95 and SD of 1.058. The survey asked about gender identity, cognitive family roles, and career image that they have as a life plan (i.e., whether to continue working or leave their job for child rearing and resume working after). Results: In the exploratory factor analysis, three subscale items were extracted regarding Gender identity: 1) A love and life-plan (GI_1), 2) gender framework given by parents (GI_2), and 3) family dynamics (GI_3). From the Cognitive Family Role (CFR) Items, 1) work outside home (CFR_1), 2) work at home (CFR_2), and 3) family care and nursing (CFR_3) were extracted, whereas from the Life Plan:Work and Family, two subscale items: 1) rework: full-time or part-time after child rearing (Life_1), and 2) work quit/continue at married or childbirth (Life_2) were extracted. Covariance structure analysis among the scores of the subscale items extracted a model with adequately relevant values of CFI = .946, Pr. < .000, RMSEA = .055. The most applicable causal path constitutes the gender identity and career image as a commonly accepted idea or a stereotype among female university students. The path starts from the gender structure within the family dynamics, goes through “family care and nursing”, which is a cognitive family role, and finally reaches quit/continue a work at marriage or child rearing. Conclusions: This path dynamically reflects the common idea or stereotypical image activated in response to the risk of their developmental transition when they must choose what to do after graduation. While higher education is meant to broaden future options, the first things that career counselors at school likely encounter are students’ self-underestimation, a mood of resignation, and inclination to narrow down the horizon by themselves. The results of this study suggest that an overall structure exists. Accordingly, career education for adolescent girls requires a program that makes them aware of their fixed vision of careers and arouses their sense of self-efficacy to face future career choices squarely.




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