

  • A Bibliographical Study of "Hyakuryokunyosho"
  • ヒャクリョウクンヨウショウ デンポンコウ フ コウホン



『百寮訓要抄』は、二条良基(一三二○~一三八八)が著した朝廷官職制度の解説書で、二官八省以下の大小の官衙とその職員を列挙し、沿革・職掌・任官の慣例等を仮名書きで説明したものである。同じく南北朝時代に著された北畠親房の『職原抄』とならんで、官職制度理解のためのよき手引きとされている。しかし本文批判は殆どといって良いほど行われておらず、そのまま利用するには問題が多い。本稿では五十本ほどの伝本を調査し、大別して二類六種に分類される諸本の性格と本文の形成について、ほぼその見通しを立てることが出来た。そうして得られた本文をもとにして、室町期を中心とした流布の様相を述べつつ、その官職制度書としての特質について考えた。附録として陽明文庫蔵慶長三年(一五九八)写本を底本に、簡略な校本を作成した。 “Hyakuryoukunyosho”(百寮訓要抄)is the manual of the system in the imperial Court government officials written by Nijyo Yoshimoto which enumerated the big and small Kanga(官衙) less than the Two Departments and eight Ministries, explained the history, duties, customs of investiture written in Kana. It is regarded as a good guide book along with “Shokugensho”(職原抄) written by Kitabatake Chikafusa. However, as the text was hardly criticized, there are so many problems to just use it. In this paper, as about 50 biography books were investigated, it was almost possible to make the prospect about the character of books which categorized as group2 type6(2類6種)and the formation of the text. Based on that, while stating an aspect of circulation mainly on Muromachi period, regarding the specific character as a manual of the system of the Imperial Court government officials was considered. As an appendix, a simple variorum based on the manuscript in 1598 owned by Youmeibunnko was created.


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