

  • トヤマケン イミズシ エビコウチク ノ エイサン ノ オンガク
  • The Music of the Parade Float Festival in Ebie, Imizu City, Toyama



The purpouse of this paper is to report and analyze the music of the parade float festival in Ebie(海老江). Ebie is a port town located in Toyama prefecture. The parade float festival of Ebie began in about mid-19th century. The music is played with traditional Japanese flutes, drums and a little gong. And songs and dances are also played in the festival. The music of the parqade float festival in Ebie has a lot in common with the music of Hojozu(放生津) which is a neighboring town on Ebie. So the ensenble style and some of the music repertoires should be carried from Hojozu. On the other hand, in Ebie, most characteristic is that the young people rolling the parade float really love to sing and dance in the festival. The song is called Kiyari(木遣り). Kiyari is a traditional japanese folk song. In some towns and villaged on the coast of Toyama Bay, Kiyari is sung for parade float festivals or gala banquets. People living in Ebie say that Kiyari had been carried from Hokkaido to Ebie by herring fishermen. This paper presents the classification of the music repertoires in Ebie; "Instrumental", "Song" and "Instrumental and Song". And the music analysis presents that Ebie picks some instrumental works up from Hojozu and arranges them uniquely.


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