

  • Spa therapy and bronchial hyperresponsiveness associated with cigarette smoking in asthmantics in the elderly



Clinical effects of spa therapy were examined in 60 elderly asthmatics in comparison between ex-smokers with a long history of cigarette smoking more than 20 years and never-smokers. Spa therapy wse effective in 47 of the 60 subjects (78.4%) with asthma. Ragarding in influence of cigarette smoking, the therapy was effective in 16 of the 24 astmatics (66.7%) with a long history of cigarette smoking. In con-trast, the therapy was effective in 31 of the 36 asthmatics (86.1%) withput smoking history. The spa efficacy was significantly larger in asthmatics without smoking history than those with (P<0.05). There was no significant correlation between spa efficacy and IgE-mediated reactions. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness was significantly higher in subjects with slight or no efficacy of spa therapy than in those with marked and mod-erate efficacy both in ex-smokers and never-smokers as well as in total subjects. The generation of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) by leucocytes was significantly increased in sub-jects with slight or no efficacy of spa therapy than in those with marked and moderate efficacy in total subjects and in those with smoking history, but not in those without smoking history. The generation of leukotriene C4 (LTC4) by leucocytes was not sig-nificantly correlated with spa efficacy in total subjects, and also either in ex-smokers or never-smokers. The results demonstrate that clinical effects of spa therapy are in-fluenced by long-term cigarette smoking, which increases bronchial hyperrespon-siveness and the generation of LTB4 by leucocytes.

高齢者哨息60例を対象に,長期的喫煙の温泉療法の効果に及ぼす影響について検討した。温泉療法は60例中47例(78.4%)に有効であった。喫煙の影響については,喫煙歴の有る24例中16例(66.7%)で温泉療法は有効であったが,一方,非喫煙例36例では31例(86.1%)で有効であり,温泉療法の有効性は非喫煙例で有意に高いことが示された。温泉療法の有効性とIgE系反応との間には有意の関連はみられなかった。気道過敏性は喫煙例,非喫煙例いずれにおいても,有効例(著効ないし有効)に比べ無効例(ややで有効ないし無効)において 有意に高い傾向を示したo LTB4産生は喫煙例では,無効例で有効例と比べ有意の元進が見られたが,非喫煙例では関連は見られなかった。これらの結果は,長期間の喫煙が,気道過敏性や白血球のLTB4産生を克進させ,その結果として温泉療法の臨床効果に影響を与える可能性が高いことを示しているものと考えられる。


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