50m running with shoes and barefoot : from the viewpoint of running time, running velocity and swing-back velocity of driving leg immediately before foot contact on the ground
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- 靴と裸足による50m走 : タイム, 走速度, 脚 (大転子点と足関節を結んだ線)の接地直前の最大振り下ろし速度の観点から
- クツ ト ハダシ ニヨル 50m ソウ : タイム ソウソクド キャク ダイテンシテン ト ソッカンセツ オ ムスンダ セン ノ セッチ チョクゼン ノ サイダイ フリオロシ ソクド ノ カンテン カラ
- クツ ト ハダシ ニ ヨル 50mソウ タイム ソウソクド アシ ダイテンシテン ト ソクカンセツ オ ムスンダ セン ノ セッチ チョクゼン ノ サイダイ フリオロシ ソクド ノ カンテン カラ
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In the previous study in a website, students in elementary school ran 50m faster barefoot than with shoes. The relation was shown the swing-back velocity of the driving leg and the sprint velocity in the world-class sprinter. The purpose of this study was to examine the 50m running with shoes and barefoot from the viewpoint of running time, running velocity and swing-back velocity of driving leg immediately before foot contact on the ground. In the experiment with 68 students in the elementary school, it was shown that the 50m running time barefoot was faster than with shoes (p=.000). In another experiment the subjects were 24 track-and-field athletes, 12 girls and 12 boys in junior and senior high school, the running motion at the 30m surrounding in 50m running of athletes who ran each 3 times barefoot, with spikes and running shoes were filmed with high-speed video camera by NAC. The VTR of the each fastest running barefoot, with spikes and running shoes in all subjects were analyzed with motion analysis software DYNAS by Shin Osaka Shokai Co. Ltd. It was shown that the 50m running time (p=.011) and running velocity (p=.031) barefoot was faster than with shoes. It was suggested that the running barefoot increases the swing-back velocity of driving leg than with running shoes (p=.006).
- 同志社保健体育
同志社保健体育 (45), 37-54, 2007-03-01
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390009224912930816
- NII Article ID
- 110006205351
- NII Book ID
- AN00165981
- 8725394
- 02864118
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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