A historical study on the representations of Gavrilo Princip : review from centenary of the outbreak of First World War

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  • ガヴリロ・プリンツィプ像の過去と現在 : 第一次世界大戦開戦100周年からの回顧
  • ガヴリロ プリンツィプゾウ ノ カコ ト ゲンザイ : ダイイチジ セカイ タイセン カイセン 100シュウネン カラ ノ カイコ
  • ガヴリロプリンツィプ像の過去と現在 : 第一次世界大戦開戦100周年からの回顧

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This paper tackles the contested remembrance of Gavrilo Princip, who Habsburg Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo in 28 June 1914 assassinated. He was portrayed as Yugoslav or Serbian national hero, or freedom fighter on the one hand and as murderous terrorist on the other. His figure was connected with the dispute regarding responsibility for the outbreak of the First World War. Recently, part of Anglo-Saxon historiography, especially Christopher Clark's "Sleepwalkers", claims that Serbian government was responsible of the Great War and Princip was terrorist. However, this view was incompatible with the Serbian traditional narratives. Serbian politician and scholars blame for Clark's view as tendentious revision and groundless fact.


  • 社会科学

    社会科学 49 (4), 133-159, 2020-02-28

    Institute for the Study of Humanities & Social Sciences, Doshisha University

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