河原院の歌人達の和歌序 : 集成・校訂および特質・意義の考察


  • カワライン ノ カジン タツ ノ ワカ ジョ : シュウセイ ・ コウテイ オヨビ トクシツ ・ イギ ノ コウサツ
  • カワライン ノ カジンタチ ノ ワカ ジョ シュウセイ コウテイ オヨビ トクシツ イギ ノ コウサツ




In Heian period, particularly in about 960-986 (from the end of reign of Emperor Murakami to that of Emperor Kasan), about 10 poets associated many times in Kawara-no-In (WHB riverside temple), with the chief priest Anpo (安法) as the central figure. According to past studies, the poets developed the new expressions in Waka, then influenced the creation and spread of “Hyakushu-ka (百首歌 one hundred Waka)" deeply, which were composed energetically in later years and contributed to the history of Waka. But attention has scarcely been paid to the fact that they composed many prefaces of Waka in Kana alphabet. This study examines the character and value of these prefaces in the Waka history. Prefaces of Waka were placed at the beginning of poems in Waka anthologies or Waka parties. These told the details and the motives with sophisticated rhetoric. It is said that the preface of Waka was created by Ki-no-Tsurayuki (紀貫之 ?-945?). Poets composed prefaces so that they placed them in the head of parties, “Hyakushu-ka”, and private anthologies of Waka poetry. These prefaces have the common expressions, which shows that the poets took in Chinese classical literature. Briefly, the poets in Kawara-no-In played an important role in the succession and development of Waka prefaces.


  • 人文研究

    人文研究 69 59-79, 2018-03




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