吉本新喜劇の創造性と事業システム : 組織における自由と規律の視点からの考察


  • ヨシモト シンキゲキ ノ ソウゾウセイ ト ジギョウ システム ソシキ ニオケル ジユウ ト キリツ ノ シテン カラ ノ コウサツ



1 はじめに : 演劇、映画、音楽、などに代表されるクリエイティブ産業では、企業の競争優位の獲得や市場価値の創出において人々の創造性が特に重要となる。先行研究では、不確実性(uncertainty)や曖昧性(ambiguity)の高い環境に直面している中での創造性の発揮について、即興(improvisation)や疎結合(loose coupling)などの自由裁量の視点から考察したものが多い。……

Taking the case of Yoshimoto Shinkigeki (Yoshimoto New Comedy Troupe) as an example, this study explores-from the perspective of freedom and discipline-the mechanism by which creativity is continuously stimulated in the career development of performers, which is then incorporated into the business system. Performers are given room for discretion over staging based on the concept of a theater troupe. As a result of this concept, the direction of discretion becomes relatively clear, which makes it easier to demonstrate creativity. The concept of a theater troupe maintains the familiarity with the theatrical program, while the laughter generated by the freedom makes the audience experience novelty. Furthermore, appraisal is based on the audience's reaction to the unrestricted production, and selection takes place within the organization. The quality of the performance is maintained by eliminating non-creative parts of the production. Moreover, the discipline, such as being weeded out by selection, acts as an incentive, and when creative freedom is granted, performers continue trying to demonstrate creativity. Based on the concept of a theater troupe, it can be asserted that people's freedom leads to continuous generation of creativity, and forms of discipline such as selection within the organization.


  • 経営研究

    経営研究 71 (3), 63-85, 2020-11-30


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