

  • Research on lifestyle-related disease risk factors in girls at puberty by examining body composition and Pulse Wave Velocity
  • タイ ソセイ ト ミャクハ デンパ ソクド カラ ミタ シシュンキ ジョセイ ノ セイカツ シュウカンビョウ キケン インシ ノ ケントウ



We reviewed what kind of factors became lifestyle-related diseases risk factors in girls at puberty. The purpose of this study was to gather data for the primary prevention of lifestyle-related diseases. Subjects were 57 basically healthy girls at the age of puberty,from seventh grade to twelfth grade. We measured body composition including bone density of the whole body using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. We used form PWV/ABI(Omron Colin Co.,Ltd.,Japan)for the measurement of Pulse Wave Velocity. It became clear that there was a danger of elevated baPWV values in girls whose percentage of body fat and soft tissue fat rate were low. On the other hand,it became clear that bone mineral density(BMD)was likely high in subjects whose percentage of body fat and soft tissue fat rate were high. It is thought that a higher-than-standard percent of body fat becomes an advantage for elevated bone density. From these results,it was concluded that lifestyle-related disease risk factors for girls at puberty with a high rate of body fat are low.


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