- タイトル別名
- Wire Method for the Measurement of Yarn Thickness Change Caused by Tension and Side Pressure
- ワイヤホウ ニヨル イト ノ オウ アッシュク ヘンケイ ノ ソクテイ
目的 織構造をもつ布が伸長を受けるとき, 布を構成する糸はその交差点で互いに押し合う力を受ける.このときに生じる糸の厚み変化は布の伸長特性に大きく影響することが理論的に明らかになっているが, この変形特性を糸の特性の1つとして測定により求める方法を検討する.成果 細鋼棒の上に糸を交差させて糸の厚み変化を測定するワイヤ法ならびにその変形であるV溝ワイヤ法を試み, 測定装置を試作した.それから得られる糸の厚み変化が実際の布の内部での糸の厚み変化に近い値を示すことを布の二軸伸長時の厚み測定を行って確認するとともに, 布の二軸伸長理論にこのワイヤ法による測定値を導入して伸長特性を良く予測することも確認した.またワイヤ法とV溝ワイヤ法とは同じ結果が得られるが, 測定の単純さからワイヤ法が良いことも確かめた. It has been revealed by previous studies that tensile property of woven fabrics is influenced significantly by thickness change of yarns at cross-over point of warp and weft when the fabric is subjected to an extensional deformation. This thickness change of yarns is considered to be important as well as tensile property of yarns.A new method, referred to as the wire method, and the modified V-wire method are atteinpted to obtain the data which enable us a prediction of yarn thickness change in woven fabrics in ex tensional state.The wire method is as follows. A yarn specimen is suspended crossing on a wire placed horizontal ly and tension is applied on the yarn to induce the compression force between the yarn and the wire, the yarn thickness change in measured at the cross-over point. Fabric thickness measurement of biaxially stretched fabric is carried out and confirms that the thickness change property obtained by the wire method predicts well the thickness change of the yarn in the fabric in the extension state.The data obtained from the wire method and the V-wire method agree each other and it is con cluded that the wire method is supeior to the V-wire method because of its simplicity.
- 繊維機械学会誌 = Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan
繊維機械学会誌 = Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan 34 (2), T33-T41, 1981
日本繊維機械学会 = Textile Machinery Society of Japan
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390009224960337664
- 120006382774
- 40002182055
- AN00285892
- 03710580
- 2303838
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles