The Role of Blending Hijab and Western Fashion in Reinforcing the Integration Process of Female Muslim Immigrants in the United States, as Can be Seen from Their Instagram Accounts


  • ア メリカ合衆国におけるムスリム女性移民の統合過程を促進するヒ ジャブとファッション・ブレンドの役割―インスタグラムのアカウントに見られる事例から―



The use of social media platforms, especially Instagram, by young Muslim immigrants in the West has reinforced the evolving lifestyle of the young generation of Muslims, including their style of dress. Fashion itself has always been seen as a mode of self-expression, including for Muslim women. Taking the hijab, which is viewed as a symbol of the oppression of women by some in Western society, as the main symbol of Muslim women, some Muslim women have chosen to incorporate it with Western fashion styles and have confidently posted pictures of their activities with the hijab on their Instagram accounts. These Muslim women demonstrate their integration by creating a connection with their non-Muslim American followers, often receiving positive comments on their photos. The emergence of the hijab as a fashionable item has provided an opportunity to examine the hijab as a Muslim symbol in new ways. It is not only a symbol of modesty, as it was once perceived to be. The hijab has also become a part of fashion, one that Muslim women can use to discuss their identities.


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