石濵文庫所収書簡資料に見る明治三九年~昭和三〇年代の漢学 : その一 石田幹之助書簡を通じて

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  • セキハマ ブンコショシュウショカン シリョウ ニ ミル メイジ サンキュウネン~ショウワ サン〇ネンダイ ノ カンガク(ソノ 1)イシダ カンユキジョ ショカン オ ツウジテ
  • Chinese Studies from 1890 to 1950s seen in letters in the Ishihama Bunko focusing on Mikinosuke Ishida's letters

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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the situation of Sinology studies from the Meiji era to the Showa era in Japan through letters addressed to Juntaro Ishihama, archived in the Ishihama Bunko, Osaka University. Until now, the letters stored in clear file cases have been broadly categorized, temporary numbers have been allocated, and the most significant items have been photographed. Now, I propose to focus on Mikinosuke Ishida's letters and prioritize all 18 unpublished letters that are missing from the already published letters and record the full text.

2020年度関西大学研究拠点形成支援経費 研究課題「内藤文庫および石濱文庫所蔵資料の調査と整理に関する共同研究」


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