保育内容「環境」の授業実践における 環境概念の変容を捉える試み


  • An Attempt to Analyze the Transformation in the Concept of the Environment during Class Practice for a Childcare Contents “Environment”
  • ホイク ナイヨウ 「 カンキョウ 」 ノ ジュギョウ ジッセン ニ オケル カンキョウ ガイネン ノ ヘンヨウ オ トラエル ココロミ



“Environmentˮ has special meanings in early childhood education and care in Japan. The present study, we identified characteristic that is a problem faced by students in understanding the concept of the environment in a class on child care in the context of the “environmentˮ in a training school for child care providers. Specifically, this study used a sentence completion test to detect the transformation in the concept of environment in the students. These data were quantitatively analyzed using text mining. In addition, we examined the transformation in the environmental concept qualitatively. As a result, the tendency to use the captured environment as a method was seen, and some characteristics became clear. Based on these findings, we considered it necessary for class improvement to be expedited.


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