Virtuosi of Sound and Light: Wordsworth and William Rowan Hamilton

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Among the many new friendships that Wordsworth cultivated in his middle age, one of the most remarkable was with the mathematician, astronomer, and poet William Rowan Hamilton (1805-1865). Recent scholarship has investigated the Wordsworth-Hamilton relationship in terms of how Hamilton’s friendship regenerated Wordsworth’s interest in mathematics, as evidenced by revisions to The Prelude (Owens). This paper supplies further evidence of how these two friends influenced each other’s work, by demonstrating the influence of Hamilton on several of Wordsworth’s new poems written after 1827. Hamilton’s biographer Robert Perceval Graves documents Hamilton’s use of Wordsworth’s philosophical poetry in his lectures on astronomy. Similarly, evidence from correspondence supports the contention that Hamilton’s metaphysics—so strongly influenced by Coleridge—influenced Wordsworth’s conception of the imagination in his later years. Yet not only Hamilton’s scientific achievements, but the young man’s own voluminous, amateur verses, lingering in Wordsworth’s mind as he composed new poems after 1827. The linked origins in manuscript of the poems The Triad and The Power of Sound show Wordsworth inspired by classical triadic imagery, associated with music and occult mathematical knowledge, from late 1827. The allegory of The Triad suggests Wordsworth’s view of himself as an elder poet inspired by, and inspiring, a young poet-mathematician. On the Power of Sound demonstrates the incorporation of Hamiltonian dynamics into the classical symbol of the music of the spheres; Wordsworth’s lines suggest a formal relation between the wave forms of music and the movements of celestial bodies, which the Hamiltonian function accomplished in its conception of phase space (Penrose 226-30). Finally, in Wordsworth's sonnet ‘Eagles’, an image common to all three poems—The Triad, On the Power of Sound, and ‘Eagles’ —gains symbolic association with Hamilton. The image of the eagle in these three poems may not originate with Wordsworth, but in Hamilton’s poem ‘It Haunts Me Yet’—the first poem he sent to Wordsworth for critical appraisal. In the reciprocal influences between three poems by Wordsworth and one by Hamilton, the beauty of a friendship of two virtuosi, in which each person’s secondary passion is the other’s profession, becomes apparent. Through his friendship with Hamilton, Wordsworth finds not only a metempsychosis of his friendship with Coleridge, but also the inspiration to acknowledge that his ever-audible, never-failing principle of joy, derived from nature, gives access to ‘a world of Spirit | By tones and numbers guided and controll’d’. This representation of a dialectic of imagination and empirical reasoning shows Wordsworth accomplishing something of what Coleridge wanted from a Wordsworthian philosophical epic, but did not think The Excursion delivered: ‘true Idealism necessarily perfecting itself in Realism, & Realism refining itself into Idealism’ (Griggs iv. 575).


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