斉藤里恵はいかに美談を超えたか? : 筆談ホステスのエクリチュール

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • How Rie Saito’s Narrative Transcends Mere Praiseworthy Anecdotal Status : A Study of Hitsudan Hostess Écriture


Rie Saito’s autobiography Hitsudan Hostess caused a sensation in 2009. As its title shows, this book describes the author’s life as a Hostess with a hearing disability and uses written languages as a communication tool. Since its publication, readers have posted their reviews on websites, where th ey share their experiences of being inspired and emotionally moved by the story. In other words, they read the text as a praiseworthy anecdote despite that being a hostess has long been a stigmatized occupation. Saito’s disability could possibly help erase the occupational stigma and make her praiseworthy anecdote an “inspiring story.” However, as her continued success shows, her work was not only consumed as an inspiring story, which tends to be forgotten quickly. Rather, it transcended its status as a merely praiseworthy anecdote. The current study will investigate the power of Saito’s written language that has brought about this transition by employing Derrida’s theory of écriture. In this paper, I will first discuss how Saito’s autobiography has become a praiseworthy anecdote by examining the online book reviews from the readers. Secondly, by employing an Australian disability rights activist Stella Young’s concept of “inspiration porn,” I will illustrate how the expectations of non -disabled people towards people with disabilities have made Saito’s autobiography a type of inspiration porn. Then, based on theories of écriture by Derrida, Barthes, and Compagnon, I will examine the power of Saito’s written language that made it possible for it to transcend its merely praiseworthy anecdotal status. Finally, I will discuss how her writing style and her voice render the présence to her écriture, which has been otherwise split from parole. With her hearing disability, the lack of parole has paradoxically given her both présence and an iteration beyond the présence at the same time.


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