<論考>現代インドネシアにおける宗教的少数派抑圧のメカニズム --マドゥラ島サンパン県のシーア派追放事件を手がかりに--

DOI HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス
  • 茅根 由佳


  • <Articles>The Mechanism of Religious Intolerance in Contemporary Indonesia: A Case of the Shi'a Minority in Sampang, Madura
  • 現代インドネシアにおける宗教的少数派抑圧のメカニズム : マドゥラ島サンパン県のシーア派追放事件を手がかりに
  • ゲンダイ インドネシア ニ オケル シュウキョウテキ ショウスウハ ヨクアツ ノ メカニズム : マドゥラトウ サンパン ケン ノ シーアハ ツイホウ ジケン オ テガカリ ニ



This article examines a case of religious intolerance against Shi'as that took place from 2011 to 2013 in the Sampang Regency in Madura Island, Indonesia. Many observers of the growing religious intolerance in Indonesia attribute the outbreak of violence to the conservative element of the central government and the weak judicial system in the nascent democracy. Those accounts, however, do not explain how exactly a particular non-state group can legitimize violence in the public eye and the court in the first place. Legitimizing violence and escaping from legal punishment requires strong support from the local elites holding the state's power. It argues that non-state actors can legitimize violence against the minority if they can present themselves to the political elites as "representatives" of the majority before the direct election. In the case of the Sampang Regency, successive attacks against the Shi'a residents were provoked and aggravated by the local religious authorities called kiais. The article demonstrates how the intolerant elements of kiais that managed to forge alliances with the incumbent Sampang regional head, police, prosecutors, and court judges succeeded in persecuting the Shi'as. The case illustrates the way in which intolerant groups make good use of democratic political freedom and the direct election for their own sake.


  • イスラーム世界研究

    イスラーム世界研究 11 207-224, 2018-03-23





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