幼児期における体力向上の基礎に関する研究 [I]-K市における取り組み-

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  • Study of Improve Basic Physical Fitness in Preschool Children[I]-Effort in K city-

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本研究は,K市幼稚園児682名を対象に,幼児期における体力向上の基礎のため運動能力や生活習慣の現状を把握した結果,1体力測定,生活実態調査,骨密度測定,身体活動量測定,接地足蹠測定は,園児の体力,生活習慣の実態を把握し問題点を明らかにした。2運動教室,親子体操,河内音頭,運動,栄養に関する講演会等の実践プログラムは,教員,保護者,地域への体力向上の啓発につながった。 以上の結果より,体力向上プログラムは幼児期における体力,生活習慣などの実態を把握することができ,幼児の体力向上プログラムの開発のため2年目以降の課題や問題点を明らかにした。

The purpose of this study was to investigate motor ability and the survey of the current living conditions for improving basic physical fitness in preschool children. As a result, they were clarify some points to investigate measure of physical fitness, survey of the current living conditions, density of bone, measure of physical activity and measure of foot sole contact surface. Some practice programs that was physical fitness class, parent-child bodily exercise, Kawachi Ondo, physical activity and nutrition improved physical fitness for teacher, protector, and community. In conclusion, physical fitness programs in preschool children were clearly to investigate measure of physical fitness and survey of the current living conditions, and also were clarify assignment and program point after the first year to make physical activity in preschool children.


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