フランスの青少年サッカー選手育成システムに関する研究(II) -国立サッカー学院(I.N.F.)の現状及び特徴ー


  • フランス ノ セイショウネン サッカー センシュ イクセイ システム ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 2 コクリツ サッカー ガクイン I N F ノ ゲンジョウ オヨビ トクチョウ





France is a pioneer country which has started to make the training system of the youth soccer systematically and founded the national soccer school for youth (I.N.F.) in the world. The purpose of this study is to make the training system of the youth soccer in France clear.This is the continued study from the previous report with the same title : "A Study on the Training System of Youth Soccer in France (I) - on the Present Condition and Characteristic of the Training System of Youth Soccer?"(Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University, Ser.V., Vol. 55-1.2006.9., pp.1-20.) Especially, the purpose of the present study is to examine the present condition and characteristic of the National Youth Soccer Training School (I.N.F.) in France.The finding and discussions on the following topics are presented in this paper: 1. An outline of the National Youth Soccer Training School (I.N.F.) , 2. The program and role of I.N.F. , 3. The number and ages of the students of I.N.F., 4. The entrance examination of I.N.F., 5. The contents and methods of I.N.F., 6. The instruction program of I.N.F., 7. The percentage of becoming the professional players after graduation from I.N.F. and their activities.


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